
This training can be done in two ways:

Local machine setup

Technical prerequisites

To run this training on your local machine please make sure the following requirements are met:

  • Operating System: Linux with Kernel >= 4.9.17 or MacOS
  • Docker installed
  • kubectl >= 1.24 installed
  • minikube >= 1.26 installed
  • helm installed
  • Minimum 8GB RAM

A note on Windows with WSL2: As of August 2022 the default kernel in WSL is missing some Netfilter modules. You can compile it yourself , but the training staff cannot give you any support with cluster related issues.

Install minikube

This training uses minikube to provide a Kubernetes Cluster.

Check the minikube start Guide for instructions on how to install minikube on your system. If you are using the provided virtual machine minikube is already installed.

Install helm

For a complete overview refer to the helm installation website . If you have helm 3 already installed you can skip this step.

Use your package manager (apt, yum, brew etc), download the latest Release or use the following command to install helm helm:

curl -s | bash

Webshell access

Your trainer will give you the necessary details.